A B2B SaaS Private Equity Group

Inturact Capital is a B2B SaaS private equity fund that acquires companies and leverages their strategic network of SaaS growth experts to scale the investments and prepare them for healthy growth to maximize the multiple before exit.

Our Unique Approach

Our unique approach concentrates on our team's experience, expertise and network in scaling B2B SaaS Companies within the most optimal stage of SaaS growth. In this stage SaaS companies move from Startup to Growth Stage and begin to become an established business. We look to acquire businesses that have plateaued with revenues starting around $20k-$100 MRR and scale them to companies with healthy YOY growth, a solid foundation and ready to be acquired .

Due to the mix of required skills, risk level and ROI, the Growth Stage is the most optimal stage of investment concentration. The companies in this stage have enough customers to have proven they are solving a desired problem but oftentimes the team is technical and lacks the sales and marketing skills to find scalable growth. Executed effectively, this stage transitions SaaS companies from low growth and low multiples to healthy high growth, high-multiple companies ready for an optimal exit and prepped for the new owner to turn it into an Established business.

Inturact Capital Investment Stage


Meet Our Team


Trevor Hatfield

Managing Partner

Trevor has over 18 years of business management and company growth experience. He started his career with a B.A. in Interactive Media design building interactive learning applications. While still in school he started an agency that has helped build sales and marketing machines for hundreds of companies, from software startups to fortune 500 companies. Throughout his experiences he has been able to figure out unique strategies to solving growth problems by applying core principals and unique custom frameworks. Through these learnings he has also been able to grow a valued network of professionals and a core team of specialists with every skill set needed to scale B2B SaaS businesses.


Joshua Waldman

Managing Partner

Joshua Waldman, who holds an International MBA from Boston University, has been in technology since 2006 as a Cisco Key Account Manager. Since then, he's built his own six-figure internet business, wrote a For Dummies book and has spoken professionally to international audiences. In the last five years he has been the CEO of two software startups, growing them on a shoe-string budget and selling them successfully. Most recently, Joshua has worked with Inturact's consulting clients to increase traffic and growth using the latest research in business intelligence, analytics, experimentation and customer research.


Alan Clemens

Managing Partner

Alan has experience in advising private equity companies as well as building, growing and selling companies.  He co-founded, managed (CEO) and sold Rio Oil and Gas, a Quantum backed portfolio company, for just under $600M within two years of formation and advised and worked with the private equity company, Quantum Energy Partners, where he was providing technical oversight for two funds totaling $6B and portfolio investments of over $300M. He has also helped smaller portfolio investments with Bayou City Energy of $5 to $7M.  Along with his work in private equity Alan has worked in the energy industry on the technical side as a geophysicist and in management with prior experience as a member of the Southwestern Energy’s leadership team helping to grow the company from a NYSE market capitalization of $200 million to over $15 billion in ten years.  Alan holds a B.S. in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and an M.B.A. from Houston Baptist University.